Tuesday 24 February 2015

Human Communication - Diary 6

This week, Sir Anwari taught us about "Interpersonal Communication". Interpersonal communication is communication between sender and receiver. It is the process by which people exchange information, feelings, and meaning through verbal and non-verbal messages. The essence of interpersonal communication is through conversation and dialogue. There are five process in the conversation such as opening, feedforward, business, feedback and closing. Besides that, there are three types of principles such as principle of turn-taking, principle of dialogue and the principle of immediacy.

First, principle of turn-taking is described about where speaker and listener exchange roles throughout the conversation. Both speaker and listener will perform and indicate different and various cues during a conversation process. For example, speaker cues include turn-maintaining and turn-yielding while listener cues include turn-requesting and turn-denying.Turn-maintaining is help to maintain speaker's role. Turn-yielding is described that we tell the listener that we're finished and wish to exchange the role of speaker for that listener. Turn-requesting cues is let the speaker know that you like to take a turn as speaker while turn-denying cues is described that listener can deny the cues to take over as speaker.

Secondly, dialogue is a context where two person share message to one another. For example, two friends talking about a common interest - two girls talking about how handsome the boy is. Lastly, immediacy is the creation of closeness, a sense of togetherness, of oneness between speaker and listener. Principle of immediacy is effective communication and conversation requires both parties to take into consideration the relationship and intimacy of one another, as well as adjusting to the environment and the context. 

Besides, Sir Anwari also taught us that there are various type of conversation such as small talk, excuses and apologies, complimenting and advice. As a responsible individual and member of society, we need to maintain a social etiquette and conversational rules.

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