Thursday 12 February 2015

Human Communication - Diary 5

Last Saturday, we have the replacement class of the human communication because of the on coming Chinese New Year. That day, all of my group member were very anxious because our group had chosen to present the principle of verbal message.

Actually, verbal message is using words to describe our messages and information to the receiver.They are typically straightforward and it is easy for the listener to understand the message being sent. Besides, verbal messages are also sent through the tone, pitch and volume of the voice with which the words are being transmitted. For example, speaker's voice could let the listener know if the speaker is angry, nervous, happy or sad.Therefore, being an effective communicator , it requires more understanding the principles of verbal messages.There are six principles of verbal messages. The first principle, meaning are in people describe that everyone has a unique worldview and style of communicating. When we interpret a message, the message is filtered through our beliefs, values, morals and the way we see the world. So, it means that different people may say different things, but mean the same thing. Likewise, different people may say the same things but different meaning. The second principles of verbal messages is messages meanings are in denotative and connotative. Denotative is literal meaning of a word or it's dictionary meaning. For example, if I look up "dog" in the dictionary the definition is : " A highly variable domestic mammal closely related to the Gray wolf." The denotative meaning of the word dog means that we are literally talking about a dog.
On the other hand, the connotative meaning refers to a word's subjective or emotional meaning. For example, when I say the word "dog" , some may think "cute", "man's best friend", "dirty" and "annoying".

The next principle is messages vary in context/abstraction. It means that words vary in description from concrete to abstract. Abstract terms are general and refer to ideas that can't be physically described. Example of abstract terms would be "love","democracy",and "animal". We can be perceived by the sense s and described. The forth principles of the verbal messages is messages can varying politeness. Politeness means that helping other to save face or avoid embarrassment. The another principle of verbal messages is messages vary in assertiveness. In this principle, assertive people are willing to assert their own rights and speak their minds. However, assertiveness is not all the time desirable(assertive people can be non assertive depends on situation). The last principles is messages meanings can deceive. Lying is when you send a message with false information.There are many different motives for lying such as pro-social deception, self-enhancement deception, selfish deception and anti-social deception. In addition, there are confirmation and disconfirmation messages. Confirmation takes place when you acknowledge others and accept the way this person views themselves . For example, an athlete sees himself as a good football player. Disconfirmation takes place whenever you ignore or devalue someone else's contribution or self-concept. For example, an athlete who thinks he is good  player stays on the bench for most of the season. Areas that affected by disconfirmation and confirmation are racism, sexism, heterosexism and ageism.

Besides, non-verbal messages do not require words. It is using body gestures, slangs, facial expressions and sounds to describe our messages or information to the receiver. Many non-verbal messages are sent without the sender even knowing she sent them, so it is important to be mindful of these mannerisms. For example, a slumping posture or nervous hands can send wrong message that about someone's personality. Non-verbal messages can be used to integrate non-verbal and verbal messages, form and manage impressions, define relationships, structure conversation, and express emotions.Furthermore, the channel of non-verbal messages included body message, eye communication, facial communication, spatial message, artifactual communication, smell communication, touch communication, paralanguage, time communication and silence. Besides, in this topic, I also learn about culture and non-verbal communication. Different country have different cultures and these different cultures perceive non-verbal cues, especially hand gestures , differently from one another. For example, "Reverse V" pose is cute in South East Asian countries but rude in UK. Besides that , colors vary greatly in their meanings from one culture to another. For example, red signifies prosperity and rebirth in China, masculinity in France and UK, blasphemy and death in many African countries. 

In conclusion, verbal communication and non-verbal communication are very important to everyone and it is an awareness of  power which will improve our ability to communicate with others.

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