Tuesday 27 January 2015

Human Communication Diary-3

This week, Sir Anwari entered Chapter 4, "The Self". But, what is "The Self"? In my opinion, self are soul, ego, personality and individual. Self consists of a person's conscious and unconscious aspect, their personality, thoughts and feelings. All of these aspect combine together into the person's core identity. "Self" can also be deemed as the way in which communication and interpretation of messages take place within the individual. Through this lesson, i know that area of "self" can be explored into self-concept, self-awareness, self-esteem and self-disclosure.

Firstly, self-concept is describe about how we feel and think about ourselves. Besides, it is the image that we have of ourselves. There are four factors that can affect our self-concept such as social comparison, other's image of you, self interpretations and evaluation, and cultural teaching. Secondly, we learn about self-awareness. Self-awareness is understanding our own personality, behaviors, habits, emotional reactions, motivations and thought processes. In fact, having more self knowledge not only help us make better choices, but also help us understand our reactions to others. So, we need to grow our self-awareness as we can listen to others, seek information about ourselves and increase our open self.

Thirdly, we learn about self-esteem. Self-esteem is confidence or the level of trust or assurance to yourself. Self-esteem is depends on how much we are confident with our image, beliefs, potrayal in public with peers. Sir Anwari also tell us that low self-esteem can cause people to be negative, lack motivation, and be moody. Those with higher self-esteem like themselves, so they expect others to like them, too. Finally, the area of self also can widen into self-disclosure. Self-disclosure is an act telling other about things that they wouldn't know about you. Through self-disclosure, we can gain more confidence and be more truthful about ourselves. Although it may lost of friends and trust, but we can living without regret.

In a nutshell, "The Self" help me to discover that who am I and how I see myself influence not only the way I communicate, but also how I respond to communications of others. 

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