Friday 27 March 2015

Human Communication - Diary 9

Nowadays, forming groups is our natural part of life. For example, we need to form a group to do assignment and to complete our mission.  Small group refers that individual depending on one another for common objective or to complement each other. Besides that, Sir Anwari also taught us about format of small group which included the round table, the panel, and the symposium-forum. But, why we need all these things? Actually, we need round table because it enable members to hear clearly when sharing the information. We need the panel because it also can let members to understand easily. Furthermore, symposium shows that each member delivers a prepared presentation much like public speech and conferences. Power in small group also play a vital role in completing mission. Therefore, there are different categories of power inherent indifferent individuals such as legitimate power, referent power, reward power, coercive power, expert power and information power. Besides that, we also learn about types of small group which are idea-generation groups, personal-growth groups, information-sharing groups, and problem-solving groups. 

Sir Anwari also told us that problem-solving group is very important. That is because in this category, group come together to face or solve a certain issue or problem. There are 6 stages in solving issues. Firstly, we need to define and analyse the problem and then establish the criteria for evaluating solutions. After that, Identify possible solutions and evaluate solutions. Lastly, we need to select solutions and then test solutions. If failed, we can try again. If okay , then proceed. For example, I always got a bad result in examination and this is my problem. So, I ask myself , "Why I always score bad result?" After that, I realised that I did not pay attention when lecturer was teaching in class and another reason is I am too lazy to do my homework. Therefore, I try to change myself to solve this problem. I want to concentrate and pay attention in class. Besides that, I also will become hardworking and do homework every day.  I will do revision  before the examination is coming. So, I hope this solutions  could help me to solve my problem.

Finally, small group is very important in our life. That is because small groups are usually formed over a need to address certain issues that would be hard to solve alone.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Human Communication - Diary 8

This week, Sir Anwari taught us about functions of friendship, love and family relationship. 

Actually, friendship is an interpersonal relationship that characterized by mutual regard. Everyone need to trust, provides emotional support and sharing interest to their friends to maintain their friendship. In fact, There are 3 types of friendship which are the friendship of reciprocity, the friendship of receptivity, and the friendship of association. Besides that, friendship could help us to achieve specific goals and help us to recognise own attitude. It also help us to expand our worldview. There are three development stages of friendship which are initial contact & acquaintanceship, casual friendship, and close or intimate friendship. The first stage of friendship is initial contact acquaintanceship. In this stage, impressions are formed and it is important to stay open of the presence of your new acquaintances. The second stage of friendship is casual friendship. In this stage, we can doing things together with friends to enhance friendship. The last stage is close and intimate friendship. In this stage, most intimate form of togetherness. Moreover, value of friendship also will affect by culture, gender differences and technology.

Apart from that, Sir Anwari also taught us about love and romantic relationship. Through this lessons, we know that there are many types of loves such as Eros, Ludus, Storge, Mania, Pragma, and Agape. Eros love is basically represents love comes out with physical attraction, beauty and appearance. Ludus love represents the thrill of excitement and pleasure seeking. The ludic lovers who are individualists or self-centered and would only maintain their relationship with their partner until they become bored. Besides that, storge love represents the act of seeking love but with the absence of pasion and emotion in the process. Pragma love refers that the lover more concerned about the ability of the other partner and the benefits that they could gain from the friendship. On the other hand, mania love show that lover love the thrill of having love and at the same is depressed or worried of having love. Lastly, we learn about agape love. Agape love is a truly unconditional love. In this category , they will loving another with no favor expected in return. Besides that, Sir Anwari also play video for us to make us more understanding about type of loves.

Furthermore, Sir Anwari also taught us about the families. In this lesson, we also learn about types of family. In fact, there are three types of family. For example, traditional couples, independent couples, and separate couples. The traditional couples is the conventional form of family because they will shared values, belief and tolerance for one another. Besides, independent couples shows that individuals in this family setting stresses individuality as the main theme of family. The last one is the separate couples. This family setting is not really a family but individuals in this family stay together for a common benefit like paying the rent or sharing living expenses. 

From this lesson, I learn many things about importance of friendship, loves, and families in daily life. All of these relationship play a vital role in my life. Therefore, I hope that I could maintain relationship with my friends, lovers and families. 

Thursday 5 March 2015

Human Communication - Diary 7

This week, Sir Anwari taught us about relationship stages and theories. After we've developed a good sense to carry out conversation, we can look at how effective interpersonal communication can form and relate to relationships around you. In fact, the relationship stages include contact, involvement, intimacy, deterioration, repair and dissolution.

 The first step is contact . In this stage, perceptual and interactional contact takes place. Second stage is involvement and in this stage people have tighter bonds and engagements with one another. For example, we can ask friends to join with us. After that, intimacy takes place. At this stage, people will have a deep and committed relationship with one another. The next stages is deterioration where other communication factors such as temporal, cultural or societal context weakness the bond with each other. Besides, the fifth stages of relationship is repair where those affected in the deterioration stage try to work things out with one another. Then, the last stages of relationship is dissolution where bonds are broken or returned back to a platonic. 

Apart from that, Sir Anwari also tell us that there are 6 types of the relationship theories such as attraction theory, relationship rules theory, relationship dialectics theory, social penetration theory, social exchange theory and equity theory. From the attraction theory, we know that why the individual will attract to each other. That is because of the similarity, proximity, reinforcement and physical attractiveness and personality. Furthermore, from the relationship rules theory, we know that different relationships have different relationship levels and attributes like friendship rules, romantic rules, family rules and workplace rules. Moreover, relationship dialectics theory describe that people in relationships often want to explore the extremes of the opposite qualities. The three pairs of opposites are closeness and openness, autonomy and connection,and novelty and predictability. The next relationship theory is social penetration theory. This theory describe about the people in relationships have the need to explore each other's personalities. The more deeper relationship would go deeper into the core personality of persons. Besides that, there are still have social exchange theory and equity theory. Both these theories suggests that individuals form relationship with one another based on whether or not it would bring benefit to them. In addition, equity theory is more towards forming professional relationship with one another.

On the other hand, we also learn about the dark side of interpersonal relationship such as jealousy. That is because relationship can get complicated and lead to ugly things in life and with one another. Sir Anwari also tell us that there are different types of jealous such as cognitive jealously, emotional jealously, and behavioral jealously. In conclusion, interpersonal communication is very important to each other in our daily life.